Due to an overwhelming response to our first flu shot/mist clinic, we've partnered with Hennepin Healthcare to offer an additional clinic from 3:45 to 7 p.m., on Monday, Oct.19, at the Community Center in St. Anthony, located at 3301 Silver Lake Rd NE.
How to sign up for the second flu shot/mist clinic on Oct. 19:
- Families must sign up. NO walk-in appointments.
- Anyone age three years and older is eligible.
- Anyone age five and older must wear masks.
- Sign up online and complete the Insurance Billing Form to bring to the clinic.
- Remember to bring a photo ID and insurance card.
- Children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
- Contact Lori Watzl-King RN, LSN at lwatzl-king@isd282.org with any questions.