ISD282 compass graphic

St. Anthony-New Brighton families,

Tuesday, Sept. 8, is the first day of school for all students. Even though the beginning of this school year will be an adjustment for students, families, teachers and staff, know that we are ready. Note, our ready will look different when compared to other first day/weeks of school. We have been working since spring to create a plan that allows us to provide learning for students regardless if from a distance or in-person, or from a modified approach.

Taking 100 and more years of traditional ways of approaching school and rearranging it to fit the needs of our students, families and staff during a global pandemic has been quite the challenge. It has not been easy. Some SANB staff are worried they may not reach the expectations families hold. I keep reassuring them that our families understand and will provide grace and kindness along this journey.

We are making these adjustments and changes—while mitigating COVID-19 risks— and by staying true to our core values of providing rigorous, relevant instruction that is steeped in relationships. Safety and learning are our priorities. By balancing these two priorities, school will look different. Instruction will look different.  Please understand different doesn’t mean less or bad, it will just be different.

Technology Distribution (for grades K-12) and Textbook Pickup (for grades 6-12)
Wednesday Sept 9 from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Door 1 at the MS/HS

Technology pickup for students in grades K-12:
Bring a piece of paper with your student’s name, date and grade. Parents will also sign this permission form when they receive technology.

Textbook pickup for students in grades 6-12:
Bring a piece of paper with your student’s name and classes that require a textbook.

Textbook Return:
If you still have textbooks from last year, please drop them off on Wednesday, September 9 between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

Free Breakfast and Lunch for Students

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) extended our ability to serve meals at no cost to ALL STUDENTS regardless of income through December 31, 2020.  If you will be in Distance Learning and would like meals delivered, please fill out this meal request form. 

Administration adjustments, shifts for the 2020-21 school year

As we begin the new school year in our Modified Hybrid learning model, our priority remains with the health and safety of our students and staff. We will need a particular focus on COVID-19 coordination. In order to meet these needs, we had to make adjustments for this school year.

Current Wilshire Park Elementary School Principal Kari Page will serve as Principal on Special Assignment for the 2020-21 school year. She will provide COVID-19 coordination by managing state and federal grants. Our state and federal grants, such as ADSIS, Achievement & Integration, and Title applications need significant revision in order to remain in compliance and continue our funding for this school year. During this transition, Kari Page will ensure that Wilshire Park Elementary and staff have everything in place to start the school year.

To fill the principal role at the elementary level, Amy Kujawski will transition from St. Anthony Middle School principal to an interim principal position at Wilshire Park Elementary School. Myself, along with St. Anthony Village High School Principal Justin Sawyer, will provide principal duties at St. Anthony Middle School.

We appreciate your patience (we are learning too!)

As we begin the school year and work out any bumps along the way, your patience is greatly appreciated —especially for our teachers and school staff. We won’t have all the questions answered and not everything will be perfectly planned. But please know we are working diligently to make the start of the school year safe and memorable for our students. 

Superintendent Dr. Renee Corneille

612-298-1979 (text or call)