Online survey icon

The following includes information for families to complete two short surveys. Your feedback will help us plan for summer learning opportunities and the 2021-22 school year. 

Important: both surveys close on Tuesday, May 11.

Distance Learning Academy survey
Because of the ongoing pandemic, the St. Anthony New Brighton School district (SANB) is exploring the possibility of continuing to offer families a Distance Learning Academy option for the 2021-22 school year, in addition to an in-person learning option. At this point in time, we are sharing this survey to gauge interest. Please complete this survey to help us understand your interest level (one survey per student). 

Summer learning program survey
We are trying to measure interest in a summer learning program that would run four days/week, for four hours/day, for a total of three weeks. Attendance all three weeks would be required. The focus of the program will be high-interest, creative learning opportunities: 

  • July 19-22
  • July 26-29
  • Aug. 2-5  

This program will include breakfast and lunch, and transportation will be provided. We are measuring your interest in order to determine staffing needs. Once the level of interest is known- and if we are able to establish staffing- we will communicate next steps with families. Take the survey.