St. Anthony-New Brighton families,
We want to provide you with a process outline of how and when we analyze data that determines potential learning model changes this school year. The following graphic explains the four phases/ learning models depending on the number of COVID-19 cases and local data (note: regardless of the phase and scenario, families have the opportunity to choose distance learning only. Families need to commit to this model for an entire quarter):
This past summer, stakeholder teams worked to develop the teaching and learning components for each learning model and the safety precautions that would need to be in place to mitigate risk in each of the four models (phases). At the Aug.18 School Board meeting, the board took action to begin the 2020-21 school year in the Modified Hybrid Learning Model.
Local Incident Team (LIT)
The LIT is a combination of two teams (the logistics and operations and schedule committees) that worked this summer on creating the learning models for the 2020-21 school year. The team also consists of district administration, one school board member, one school nurse (COVID-19 Coordinator), parents/guardians, local public health/epidemiologist experts, union representatives and one student.
The team will be evaluating the following data points to determine when/if the district could shift to another learning model. The district will only shift to a new learning model, when safe to do so. As we evaluate shifts in learning models, the team will analyze the following data:
- Building readiness: necessary space to execute the learning model proposed
- Staffing: necessary and appropriate number of staff to safely execute the learning model proposed
- Health and safety: ensure that all safety and health precautions can be implemented to execute the learning model proposed
- Instructional preparedness: teaching staff have the time to develop rigorous and relevant instructional practices in the new learning model proposed
- State guidance: COVID-19 rate outlined by the state allow for the change in learning model
- County guidance: county COVD-19 data rate allow for the change in learning model
- Local guidance: local COVID-19 data rate allow for the change in learning model
- Virus activity: in addition to the COVID data, what is the trend line for virus activity, and does that allow for the change in learning model
Each one of these data points matter when making a decision to shift from one learning model to another.
The LIT and the district will also be guided by the following assumptions when making a decision to move from one learning model to another:
- Staffing will be impacted by virus activity
- Navigating districtwide decisions and/or school based decisions
- COVD-19 case counts fluctuate: monthly, weekly, daily
- Data regarding COVID-19 cases is not perfect and is delayed
- The goal is to be consistent - as much as possible when facing a global pandemic
- We will make decisions based on the data not peer or political pressure
- We will implement best practices in teaching and learning
The LIT will be meeting weekly and will consider learning model changes roughly every six weeks. The local experts, due to the delay in COVID-19 case counts, recommend the use of a six-week trend line data analysis. For the next two weeks we will examine whether the data supports a shift in learning models after the Oct. 14-15 fall break.
Regardless if we make a learning model shift, we plan to make the following adjustments at the elementary level.
Wilshire Park Elementary School
The current Wilshire Park model needs to be updated to ensure all students are able to access high levels of learning. Adjustments will focus on the following priorities:
- Strengthen the distance learning experience.
- Address the academic and social needs of our students in second grade.
- Ensure child care is available to families where one or both parents/guardians have jobs classified as Tier 1/Essential, or work outside of the home.
In summary
To determine the course of our path, we focus on the following:
- Evaluate county/local COVID-19 data every two weeks.
- Monitor health and safety needs of students and staff.
- Ensure staff levels provide necessary support for students.
- Provide teaching staff time to provide rigorous, relevant curriculum and instruction.
I understand that there are many questions related to potential model changes throughout the year. I hope this information provides more insight into what the district is actively doing to prepare students, teachers and families for any shifts as we move forward in the school year.
Thank you for your continued patience and support. Myself, along with our staff and teachers, truly appreciate you and your kids. We know everyone is working incredibly hard to make this year a success.
Dr. Renee Corneille
ISD282 COVID-19 Response Plan