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The Minnesota School Boards Association has set Feb. 22-26 as Minnesota School Board Recognition Week to build awareness and understanding of the vital function elected school board members play in our society. St. Anthony-New Brighton (SANB) is joining other public school districts from across the state to celebrate School Board Recognition Week to honor local board members for their commitment to SANB and its students.

“The St. Anthony-New Brighton School Board is extremely student focused as they approach their work with pure commitment and heart. It is an honor to work with, and for them,” said Superintendent Dr. Renee Corneille. 

The SANB School Board focuses on student achievement through:

  • Creating a vision for the district to make student success the top priority.
  • Establishing an equitable, rigorous and relevant curriculum that is also authentic in developing relationships with students to ensure the highest level of learning is taking place.
  • Ensuring that progress is measured and aligned with the district’s strategic directions of high expectations matched with high support for students and staff, and strong communication and relationships with our families and community.
  • Being accountable for their decisions and actions by continually tracking and reporting results.
  • Creating a safe, equitable environment where students can learn and teachers can teach.
  • Forming partnerships with local organizations and community members to strengthen engagement and collaboration.
  • Focusing on the need for continuous improvement by questioning, refining and revising issues related to student achievement.
  • Advocating for students and staff by asking the legislature to implement funding and policies that will support the district’s legislative priorities.

Learn more about the SANB School Board and its members at