We invite the community to learn about the upcoming 2-question referendum by visiting our website.
Learn more about the 2023 referendum
The St. Anthony - New Brighton School District will release more information on the official referendum webpage on Monday, August 21. Please check back to this page for more information at that time.
The following article was written and published after the school board announced the referendum.
On Tuesday, June 6, the St. Anthony - New Brighton School Board unanimously approved a resolution to place two referendum questions on the ballot for the November 7, 2023, election. We wanted to share this development and how it will positively impact our students’ learning and foster their development.
The money generated from the operating levy will support our student’s social-emotional needs, increase staff at our schools, provide additional support to multilingual students and special education students, and redesign curriculum that works to challenge our students.
There will be two referendum questions on the ballot:
The first question, an operating levy, seeks approval from voters to increase general education revenue by $890 per student. This ten-year operating levy would be applied to taxes payable starting in 2024. Our local operating levy generates 15% of the school district’s annual operating revenue and pays for teachers who engage students in learning. The tax impact for a home valued at $300,000 is $29 per month.
The second question, a capital projects levy, asks voters to consider renewing the school district’s existing levy. There is no additional tax impact to renew this levy. The capital projects levy provides specific funding to support tools for learning–improve and maintain technology and curriculum for school instruction and school facilities.
While election day is November 7, 2023, residents of St. Anthony-New Brighton School District can register to vote or update your voter registration now.
Early voting begins on September 22, 2023, learn how to vote absentee.
To vote in person on November 7, 2023, find your polling place.
More communication will be available later this summer into early fall.