MCA schedule now available 2023

Beginning mid-April SAVHS will administer the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA). Please see the schedule below of the exact dates on which students will be taking MCA Math, Reading, and/or Science. Testing will be taking place for most students in a specific classroom.  This information will be shared with the students before testing).  Small group testing will be accommodated for all students with specific testing needs.





Tues-Thurs, 4/18-4/20

MCA Math 


During a Math Class

Tues-Thurs, 4/18-4/20

MCA Reading 


During English class

Wed-Fri, 4/26-28

MCA Science

Life Science Students

During Life Science class (Biology)

On the day of testing, students need to have their Chromebooks and chargers.  However, students may NOT use or access cell phones, wearable technology (e.g., smart watches, fitness trackers), or any other devices AT ANY TIME during testing, including during breaks or when testing is completed during the testing session. If one of these devices is used, accessed, or worn during testing, the student’s test MUST BE invalidated.  We are asking that students either keep these devices at home or in their lockers on days that they are testing.  

Water bottles and most calculators are welcome.  All other testing materials will be provided.

If you are opting your child out of the MCA tests, please see the information provided by the Minnesota Department of Education (the link automatically downloads a PDF to your computer).  Opt-out forms can be electronically sent or physically dropped off at the high school office.  We must have this information to us by Thursday, April 13.  Students will not be able to fill out a required form on the day of testing and will be taking the assessment as planned or asked to go home for the day.  

Please do not hesitate to contact the high school counseling department with questions or concerns regarding these upcoming tests.

Kate Edwards

Heather Berndt