Dear SAVHS Students and Parents/Guardians,

It has been a busy week at SAVHS as teachers and staff have all returned to the building! As we put the finishing touches on our plans we wanted to share some reminders and updates.  

Classes start on Tuesday, September 8th.  Most students will be in a Distance Learning format, with only students who have received invitations coming to the building for small groups at this time. Students should check their school email for Google Classroom and other class information from their teachers. 

Link to introduction videos: In case you missed the Virtual Open House yesterday, click on this link for a list of teachers and their introduction videos.  

Bussing: You should receive bussing information on 9/3 or 9/4 from the transportation coordination service. The email contact for transportation is:

Daily Student Tasks:
Students need to complete a once a day attendance check in by 11:59 p.m. through their grade level Google Classroom.  Please have your student join their Grade Level Google Classroom using the codes below:

  • 9th: Class of 2024 Google Classroom Code: 2px4db6
  • 10th: Class of 2023 Google Classroom Code: swmcsmk
  • 11th:  Class of 2022 Google Classroom Code: sykfzuj
  • 12th:  Class of 2021 Google Classroom Code: 2iz4az2

Each day students will need to log in to the Google Classroom for each of their 1st quarter courses.  Within each Google Classroom students will find their information, assignments, videos, links, and content for the day. Here is a tutorial on how to join a Google Classroom. Please email your teacher with any questions.  

Textbook Pick Up:  Textbook pick up will be Wednesday, Sept. 9 from 8-3 pm at Door #1.  A list of classes requiring textbooks is linked here. Please come prepared with a piece of paper with your student’s name and class(es) requiring a textbook. 

Textbook Return: If you still have any textbooks from last year, please drop them off on 9/9 between 8:00 and 2:00.

COVID Health Screen Reminder: Each student will need to complete the COVID-19 Wellness Screen, located in their Skyward Portal, before entering the building each day.

Thank you for your continued support of SAVHS. Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

Justin Sawyer
St. Anthony Village High School 