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Dear SAVHS families,

I’m excited to announce administrative role and assignment changes at St. Anthony Village High School (SAVHS).

Brady Krueger will now serve as the Assistant Principal (AP) of SAVHS. Brady’s previous role was as SAVHS’ Dean of Students. 

In addition to his new AP duties and supporting the SAVHS Interim-Principal Andrew Hodges, Brady will be leading post-COVID learning needs. Specifically, he will work with the Director of Student Services Hope Fagerland to develop a social emotional instructional program for all students PreK-12, and to develop an after-school and/or summer learning program that provides students with enriched learning based on effective instruction.

The other change involves SAVHS Interim-Principal Andrew Hodges taking on the additional role as Director of Teaching and Learning. Andrew’s added duties include supervising district Instructional and Equity Coaches/Mentors, supervising the Lead Learner/mentor program, overseeing the PreK-12 curriculum and instruction process by using evidence-based activities and input regarding student social emotional learning; coordinating and supervising staff development programs for all instructional staff; providing effective and consistent communication with and between the Superintendent, School Board, district administrators, parents, staff, and teachers; and leading and organizing both the community-based and district-based Teaching and Learning committees. 

Funding for new, additional roles & responsibilities 
It’s important to note that these changes are budget neutral— meaning, they do not impact the district’s general fund. In addition, they can only be funded for a specific number of years. Both additional positions will be entirely funded by the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund (ESSER), based on the legal use of the federal dollars.  

Please join me in congratulating both Andrew and Brady!

Dr. Renee Corneille