Dear SAVHS Students and Parents/Guardians,

Thank you for your patience as you have been waiting for all of the details for the upcoming school year. I know that it has been challenging not knowing all of the specifics. Although we have been working on back to school plans since May, new information continues to become available from the MN Department of Health, MN Department of Education, and other experts. 

On Tuesday, August 18, the St. Anthony - New Brighton School Board decided that all SANB schools will start the year in a Modified Hybrid Learning plan. The Modified Hybrid plan limits the number of students in the building and the number of transitions, interactions, and contacts between students and staff. The majority of students will be learning from home to start the year.  

Modified Hybrid Learning: all content will be delivered through a distance learning platform. Students who have been identified as needing additional support will have the opportunity to come to school to receive additional in-person help and support from teachers. Identified students will be assigned to small grade level groups. The school day will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

Students who have been identified based on need will be invited to join small, grade level groups.  Most small groups will meet one day a week and some groups will meet two days per week. The small group sessions will be held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday. We will attempt to assign students to the day(s) they requested in the previous survey. Students will remain in the same classroom and with the same group of students for the entire school day.  Lunch will also be in the classroom or outside when the weather permits..

On Wednesdays all students will work from home. Students will work on assignments from the week.  Students may also be asked to collaborate with their teacher(s) or other students virtually on Wednesdays.  

Daily attendance will be taken through grade level Google Classrooms every day, for both students who are at school and students who are at home.  Access codes and instructions will be sent to students prior to the start of the school year.  

A more detailed grid outlining the Modified Hybrid  plan will be shared in the next few days.

We are currently working to finalize:

  1. Parent and student access to Skyward, our new student information system for grading, scheduling, attendance, etc.  More information will be sent out by August 31  

  2. Small group in person cohorts - invitations will be sent to parents and students next week

  3. Students’ schedules - schedules will be available through Skyward on September 1st

  4. Plans for a Virtual Open House 

  5. School Pictures: will be rescheduled later

Based on the number of COVID-19 cases in Hennepin and Ramsey counties and cases within our school community, we may need to change our model at some point in the future. Our hybrid and distance learning models rely on content being delivered via Distance Learning, which allows for the flexibility to shift between those models, as needed, and provide instruction to students who are not able to come into the building.  

Although the start of the school year may look different than in years past, I am excited for the upcoming school year!  

Thank you,

Justin Sawyer
St. Anthony Village High School 