Dear SAVHS Students and Parents/Guardians,

The first day of school is just one week away!  We are so excited to get the school year started as we have missed our students. Please read the following email carefully as it contains a lot of important information regarding the beginning of the school year. 

Here are some updates and reminders:
Virtual Open House: Wednesday, September 2, from 12:00-2:00
Since we are not able to do a full in-person Open House this year, we want to provide a couple ways for our teachers to introduce themselves.  Option 1 is to join a live session Google Meet with the teacher(s) of your choice for a quick check in between 12:00 and 2:00.  Note: these will be small group meetings, not individual meetings.  See the link below for links to each teacher’s session.  Option 2 is to view the teacher introductions on the following link.  Click on this link for a list of teachers, introduction videos, and links to their live sessions.  We will continue to update these links. 
:You should have received an email from Skyward directing you to your user name and password.  Included in this email are illustrated instructions walking you through your account.  Student schedules are available in Skyward.  You will notice that schedules appear different this year; some students may have open periods or courses scheduled at the same time- these are not errors.  9th Grade students will have seven courses total between the first and second quarter. 10th grade students will have six courses; 3 in each quarter.  Students in grades 11-12 will have 5 or 6 courses in total.  Please disregard any schedule beyond quarter 2, as these schedules have not been completed yet.
If you did not get an email from Skyward, please contact:

Forms: Parents and students will find one or more forms available on their Skyward Portal.  

  • Parent portal: Military Recruiters Disclosure for 11th/12th graders, local field trip form, Internet Acceptable Use Agreement, Student Handbook Rights/Responsibilities and Confidentiality Agreement
  • Student portal: Internet Acceptable Use Agreement, Student Handbook Rights/Responsibilities and Confidentiality Agreement

Textbook Pick Up: Textbook pick up will be Wednesday, Sept. 9 from 8-3 pm at Door #1.  A list of classes requiring textbooks will be shared later this week. Please come prepared with a piece of paper with your student’s name and class(es) requiring a textbook.

Textbook Return: If you still have any textbooks from last year, please drop them off on 9/9 between 8:00 and 2:00.

School Supplies: The high school does not have a specific supply list. Students should come prepared with pencils/pens, notebooks, and a backpack or bookbag.  Specific classes may have other items that they will request through the class syllabus. Each high school student will be assigned a chromebook. Students coming to the building should bring their chromebook, charged, each day and notebooks and pencils.

Technology Distribution Information: All 9-12 graders will be provided with a Chromebook for the upcoming year.  

  • When:  8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 1, Wednesday, Sept. 2, and Thursday, Sept. 3
  • Where:  Door 16 of St. Anthony Middle/High School building, 3303 33rd Avenue NE, St. Anthony
  • How:  Takes approximately 5-10 minutes
  • Need:  Bring a piece of paper with your child’s name, date of birth, and grade - clearly printed/typed.
  • Do:  Drive-up, sign the Digital Learning Device Use Permission Form, review device insurance purchase options (the district will not be taking insurance payments at this time. Payment information will be available through your child’s Skyward account this fall). Receive your device*.  The 2020-21 Digital Learning Device Handbook will be emailed to families.

Info for All Students
Attendance: Students need to complete a once a day attendance check in by 11:59 p.m. through their grade level Google Classroom.  Please have your student join their Grade Level Google Classroom using the codes below:
9th: Class of 2024 Google Classroom Code: 2px4db6
10th: Class of 2023 Google Classroom Code: swmcsmk
11th:  Class of 2022 Google Classroom Code: sykfzuj
12th:  Class of 2021 Google Classroom Code: 2iz4az2

Courses: Teachers will be sharing Google Classroom codes for each course with students later in the week. Here is a tutorial on how to join a Google Classroom.  

Students Working From Home (Distance Learning)
Time Schedule: Students working from home are not tied to an hourly schedule and will have flexibility in how they schedule their day. Teachers will share when the synchronous (live) activities will be happening during the week.

Lunches for Students Learning From Home:  Please complete this survey if you are interested in Meal Delivery for your student(s) on Distance Learning days, if you have not already done so. 

Info for Students Coming to School
COVID Health Screen: Each student will need to complete the COVID-19 Wellness Screen, located in their Skyward Portal, before entering the building each day.

Entrance/Exit: In order to minimize the number of students entering and exiting through each door we will use different doors based on how students arrive/leave school. Doors will open at 9:45 and after school students need to leave by 2:15, unless participating in an after school activity.  
Drop Offs: If you are dropping off your student please use Door 16 (near the Commons and Auditorium) instead of the front door.
Walkers: Students are walking should use Door 16 (near the Commons and Auditorium)
Parking: Students who drive may park in the lower parking lot and enter through Door 12. Parking permits are not required at this time.
Bus: The bus company will contact families via email and phone call on September 3rd or 4th. High School students riding the bus will use Door 1 when they arrive/leave.
Students Arriving Late: Students who arrive after 10:00 a.m. should come to Door 1

Lunch: Students can eat school lunch or bring lunch from home.  Each morning students in the building will complete a short form when they get here to order their school lunch, if desired.  

Backpacks/Lockers: Lockers will not be used at the beginning of the 2020-21 school year.  Students that are in-building will need to be prepared to carry their supplies with them. Backpacks/slings/book bags will be allowed, at least for the beginning of the 2020-21 school year.

Thank you for reading  all the way through this letter. I know that this was a lot of information! We will continue to send out information via email and on our website.

We are really excited to work with you and your students this year!

Thank you,

Justin Sawyer
St. Anthony Village High School 

Based on the number of COVID-19 cases in Hennepin and Ramsey counties and cases within our school community, we may need to change our model at some point in the future.