MSHSL ExCEL awards
Fina Mooney

St. Anthony Village High School (SAVHS) junior Fina Mooney was named the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) ExCEL Award recipient for the 2020-21 school year. Fina, along with junior Charlie Stoeckel were nominated by SAVHS. 

“Fina Mooney exemplifies what it means to get the most out of high school while serving her community. We are extremely proud of Fina's selection as a 2021 MSHSL ExCEL Award winner. Mooney's leadership and service set a gold standard to follow,” said Dr. Troy Urdahl,vdirector of Athletics, Activities, Facilities & Transportation.

The ExCEL Award honors students in their junior year who are active in school activities, leaders in their school, and demonstrate a strong commitment to community service. Congratulations to Charlie on his nomination, and to Fina on being named the ExCEL Award winner!