SAVHS Junior Lydia Chung

St. Anthony Village High School (SAVHS) is proud to announce that junior Lydia Chung has been named a State Honorable Mention recipient for the 2021 Minnesota Aspirations in Computing Awards Honorees.

According to her bio on the Minnesota State IT Center of Excellence site, Lydia has been an active member of her FIRST Robotics teams since fifth grade, holding leadership positions at both the FTC and FRC level. She also gained valuable programming and business experience through the all-girls STEM program, Technovation. She currently holds leadership positions in Key Club, Speech, FIRST Robotics, and Radiant Readers (a nonprofit she co-founded in June 2020). She also participates in swimming, Superintendent’s Council and Math League.

Throughout middle and high school, she has been an academic achiever: she skipped sixth grade while continuing to be a top student in her class. Outside of school, Lydia enjoys tutoring other students in mathematics and sharing her passion and excitement for technology. In her free time, Lydia loves filming and editing videos and learning to use new technology such as 3D modeling software. She enjoys challenging herself academically and completed three AP math classes and one honors math class in two years. In the future, Lydia plans to attend a four-year college for business, pre-dentistry or computer science.

Congratulations, Lydia!