Upcoming College Fair and PSAT information

College Fair

SAVHS will be offering a free bus to take Juniors to the National College fair at the Minneapolis Convention Center on Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023. The bus will leave at 8:30 a.m. from the HS front doors and return at approximately 12:00 p.m. Students who would like to reserve a space on the bus should review this form and return it to Ms. Kurak by September 29 before 3 p.m.

Fill out the permission form


The Preliminary SAT, also known as the PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) will be offered at SAVHS on Tuesday, October 17 for a $20 fee.

This optional test is only practice but juniors who take it are automatically screened for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Tests are limited so juniors have the chance to sign up for the test first. Sophomores can begin registering on September 27. If tests continue to be available, the last day to register is October 2 by 3 p.m. It is possible that we will run out of tests before that date so if students want to take the test, they should register right away.

To secure a test, please complete the permission form and return it to the counseling office with $20. The form can be accessed on the students google classroom or hard copies may be picked up in the counseling office. Early registrations will not be accepted from 10th graders prior to September 27.

There will be a mandatory Pre-Administration session for all students that register for the test during WIN time on Tuesday, October 10. The test will be in the auditorium and begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. Students should arrive early and only bring a calculator and pencils.