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SANB families,

As you know, the rise in cases of COVID-19 has required the St. Anthony-New Brighton School District (SANB) to enter into a Distance Learning Model. In addition, Governor Walz announced this evening extended restrictions to help curb the pandemic, including a pause in youth activities this fall and for the beginning of the winter season. Despite the difficulties 2020 continues to present, this is still my favorite time of year and I am resolved to seek out and appreciate those areas for which I am still very thankful. As I provide a few updates on the current status of SANB activities, I’d also like to share some of the highlights from this fall - amidst the current health crisis and general uncertainty in the world.

Here’s what we know:

  • Governor Walz’s “pause” includes all youth and school sports. This information is specific to SANB sports and activities. Look for more information regarding other youth sport opportunities from the host organizations.  
  • All St. Anthony Village High School fall sports will end by 11:59 p.m., on Friday, Nov. 20, 2020. This includes football, volleyball, and cheerleading.
  • The start of the winter sport season will be delayed for four weeks - at least until Dec. 18, 2020.
  • Any activity that is able to be held virtually will do so.  More information will be provided in the weekly announcements, at, and through coaches/advisors.  

Despite the pause in youth sports, here’s why I am still grateful: 
I am thankful for . . .

  • The More than 350  students who engaged in fall activities and sports, providing a great outlet and way to engage with friends, our school, and caring, mentoring adults.
  • The ability to witness the creativity and resilience of our cross country runners who are fighting to perform their best while working under these new conditions.
  • Seeing our soccer players learn how to make adjustments and be flexible; to be willing to make a change. It made them appreciative of every day that we have been together and that nothing should be taken for granted. 
  • Witnessing our participants becoming more creative and independently resourceful. This time has taught them to step outside their comfort zones because they are having to be more accountable to themselves and more committed to the team. 
  • The wonderful, dedicated adults who give so much of their time, effort, and talents to help our youth grow and develop in new ways.
  • Greater opportunities for our swimmers to reflect and grow closer at a team - being grateful for the opportunity to improve as swimmers.
  • Watching new opportunities and virtual activities blossom. eSports are now providing new virtual opportunities for high school and middle school students in activities such as  NHS, Key Club, Dare2BReal, the math team, speech, Knowledge Bowl, and drama. Look for upcoming announcements about how to view our fall shows!
  • Our students who maintain a remarkable perspective through challenging times - seeing some silver linings that include more family time, time to get more sleep, a school schedule built to give them the time they need to succeed, time to reflect, think, and become more mindful, the importance of supporting one another, getting to know neighbors better, and being intentional about reaching out and communicating with friends and loved ones.

As a community and school, we will learn and grow from these experiences. Please take the time during this “pause” to stay safe and capture opportunities we might not otherwise have.And then hopefully we will all be back together soon enjoying the sports and activities we love! 

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve in such a wonderful community and school district. Thank you - and have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!
