SAVHS Students and Parents/Guardians:
I hope that you had a great weekend! This is always an exciting time of the year. I hope that you have fun things planned for the next two weeks. I understand that there are questions about exactly how the school year will start and what will happen during the year. We continue to finalize plans for the return to school, but there are some things that will be dependent on how COVID data changes over time. Over the last week I have received many questions about the start of the school year. We are here to support your students and make the best of our given situation. Today, I would like to share a video with answers to some of the frequently asked questions.
Please continue to check out our website for updates, to sign up for daily announcements, and to check out the resources and information.
Please complete this survey if you are interested in Meal Delivery for your student(s) on Distance Learning days.
Please keep reading your emails as information will continue to be sent out this week. If you know anyone who is not receiving our updates, please have them contact Erica Sonnenberg (
Have a great day,
Justin Sawyer
SAVHS Principal